CSV files
Upload CSV files as a data source
Last updated
Upload CSV files as a data source
Last updated
CalcTree provides support for using CSV files in your calculation works. There are two ways to use CSV files in your work:
You can upload any file type to a CalcTree page, and the uploaded files will be available to Python scripts.
For example, click on File Upload to select a CSV file from your local drive to upload to CalTree. Use the sample CSV file below. After uploading, the file appears on the right-hand panel, and is accessible to Python via ct.page_files['
. See exaple below:
CSV parameters are among next items on our roadmap. Please follow our product roadmap items and status here and let us know what you think!
Meanwhile, you can upload any type of file, including CSV files, and use them in Python scripts! To learn more scroll up on this page to #csv-files-through-python