
Create Python-powered calculations

CalcTree provides Python scripts as a fully integrated calculation option. You won't need to install development tools or learn deployment nuances to create a Python calculation in CalcTree.

Adding a Python source

From the right-hand panel, click on Code. A Python source will be added to the page. The Python editor slides in from bottom of the view showing this new Python source. The Python source initially contains guide comments in green color and one sample line of code:

Python editor

Calctree provides a Python code editor, which you can use to view and edit Python scripts. The Python editor provides common helpful features such as find and replace, color coding, auto completion, keyboard shortcuts and contextual error reports.

Some useful keyboard shortcuts inside the Python editor include:

keyboard shortcut


Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y


Ctrl + X


Ctrl + C


Ctrl + V

Toggle Line Comment

Ctrl + /


Ctrl + F


Shift + Ctrl + F

Increase indent

Tab or Ctrl + ]

Decrease indent

Shift + Tab or Ctrl + [

Move a line up

Alt + Up

Move a line down

Alt + Down

Select all

Ctrl + A

Select to the end

Alt + Shift + Right

Select to the start

Alt + Shift + Left

CalcTree uses a Microsoft technology called Monaco Editor to provide the integrated Python editor. You can find more technical documentation about Monaco Editor here

Python Parameters

CalcTree sources define and calculate parameters. For Python sources, parameters are defined by variables of the Python script. All variables on the root level of the script -e.g. are not inside a function-, will be taken as Python parameters and will be added to the CalcTree Page's pool of parameters.

Example Python parameter:

Type the below variable declaration in your Python source editor. After a moment, you will notice a parameter called a is created under the Python source on the right-hand panel:

a = 2

Python parameters with units

A number and a physical unit comprise a quantity in CalcTree. You can use quantities in Python scripts. For example, you can divide 1 N by 1 m^2 to get 1 kPa . To create a quantity inside a Python script, use the ct.quantity() method. For example, copy the following lines in a Python source and inspect the values on the right-hand panel:

force = ct.quantity("1 N")
area = ct.quantity("1 m^2")

pressure = force / area

Note that if you try operations on quantities that are not physically meaningful, you will receive an error. For example adding a length to a time will result in an error:

This unit-awareness acts as a built-in quality control, because it checks the operations are done on compatible quantities. This is especially useful when linking parameters from other sources in Python scripts. Read more here: #chaining-python-to-other-sources

CalcTree uses the Python library pint to enable handling units. You can access pint's documentation here .

Python tables

If you declare a Python variable as an array of arrays, it will create a tabular parameter. For example the following will result in a tabular parameter for the Python source:

my_table = [[1,'apple'],['cat', 3.14]]

Python figures

You can generate figures using the Matplotlib Python library. If a Python source includes a figure created using Matplotlib, it will be extracted as a Python source figure. For example, the following script creates a figure under the Python source:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Data for plotting
t = np.arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
s = 1 + np.sin(2 * np.pi * t)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, s)

ax.set(xlabel='time (s)', ylabel='voltage (mV)',
       title='About as simple as it gets, folks')

You can learn more about creating various charts or diagrams using the Matplotlib library here

Valid data types for CalcTree parameters

For Python sources, parameters are defined by variables of the Python script. All variables on the root level of the script, such as the ones not inside a function, will be taken as Python parameters and will be added to the CalcTree Page's pool of parameters. However, the Python variable should hold a value with a type that is among CalcTree parameter data types . If a Python variable holds a Python data type that is not recognisable by CalcTree, you will receive a string warning as the value of that parameter in CalcTree. For example:

xx = float('nan')

Linking Python to other sources

You can link multiple sources to create more complex calculations. That means a source picks up a result from another source and does more calculations on it.

In order to link a Python script to other calculations, it needs to refer to the value of another source's parameters. That is simply achievable by typing the parameter name inside Python script. For example, if you have two parameters called width, and height which are defined by other sources, you can refer to them in your Python script:

Available Python libraries

The following Python libraries are already installed on CalcTree's Python. You can start using them by regular importing, for example:

import numpy 


anaStruct 2D structural analysis in Python

REDi REDi (Resilient Design for the Next Generation of Buildings) seismic engine documentation developed at ARUP

BeamBending A teaching aid for 1-D shear-force and bending-moment diagrams

energy-py-linear Optimize energy assets using mixed-integer linear programming

eurocodepy a Python package for calculating structures according to Eurocodes

a Python package to create new DXF documents and read/modify/write existing DXF

GemPy an open-source, Python-based 3-D structural geological modeling software

Groundhog A general-purpose geotechnical package

handcalcs Python library for converting Python calculations into rendered latex

joypy Joyplots in Python with matplotlib & pandas

matplotlib plotting with Python

numpy The fundamental package for scientific computing with Python

OpenSeesPy + OpsVis Finite element applications for simulating the response of structural and geotechnical systems subjected to earthquakes

Pandas Flexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more

pyCalculiX Python 3 library to automate and build finite element analysis (FEA) models in Calculix

pycba Python Continuous Beam Analysis

pyFrame3DD Python bindings to Frame3DD

PyNite A 3D structural engineering finite element library for Python

pysal Python Spatial Analysis Library

Scikit-learn Machine learning in Python

Scipy Software for mathematics, science, and engineering. It includes modules for statistics, optimization, integration, linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing, ODE solvers, and more.

seaborn Statistical data visualization in Python

sectionproperties Analysis of an arbitrary cross-section in python using the finite element method.

SimPy A process-based discrete-event simulation framework

StructPy Structural Analysis Library for Python based on the direct stiffness method

SymPy Symbolic mathematics

topojson An extension of GeoJSON that encodes topology

Providing necessary files to your Python script

You can upload any file type to a CalcTree page via the File Upload from the right-hand panel. The uploaded file will be available to Python scripts.

After uploading of any filetype through File upload, the file appears on the right-hand panel, and is accessible to Python via ct.page_files['file_name'] . To see an example of providing a CSV file to a Python script, continue on: Using CSV files through Python .

Using this approach, you will be able to provide arbitrary preset data to your Python scripts on CalcTree. That especially works well for Python libraries that can manipulate specific file types.

Learn how to create parametric content from calculations:

Add documentation

Parametric content

Last updated