What is CalcTree?
CalcTree is a collaborative online workspace for engineering calculations.
Last updated
CalcTree is a collaborative online workspace for engineering calculations.
Last updated
You can use CalcTree as a central repository for engineering work performed by your team:
Find the latest work in your CalcTree workspace, whether you are an expert, a team leader, or a manager.
Whether it's simple math formulas, spreadsheets, or Python scripts, you can seamlessly chain calculations in a CalcTree page. You can further connect your verified CalcTree pages with your common engineering tools such as Grasshopper, ETABS, or Microsoft Excel desktop.
As a verified blueprint, your team can reuse a CalcTree page with peace of mind to deliver your next project even faster:
Get a headstart for your next project with your verified parametric document powered by Python scripts, Math formulas, or Spreadsheets
Use a CalcTree page to generate verified batch calculations in a regular Excel Desktop sheet
Use your calcTree page as a verified post-processor for tools like ETABS
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Getting started
Create a CalcTree page
Create calculations
CalcTree Sources
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