CalcTree Pages
CalcTree uses Pages to organise calculation works.
Last updated
CalcTree uses Pages to organise calculation works.
Last updated
The CalcTree Page consists of a document and can contain a variety of calculations and data Sources.
The document represents:
Static content, such as text and images, and
Parametric content, such as calculated charts
Sources define and calculate Parameters. Each time a source is added to a CalcTree page, it defines new parameters; or if an existing source is edited, existing parameters can get recalculated into updated values. That in turn makes any parametric content that represent those parameters on the Document to change accordingly - as indicated by the dashed line in the diagram above.
Basic sources in CalcTree include:
Python scripts: can be added and edited using CalcTree Python environment
Math formulas: can be added and edited right inside the document area
Spreadsheets: can be uploaded, or re-uploaded to make changes in the spreadsheet logic
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Sources and Parameters